Should you buy a front and rear dash cam? | front view camera

Should you buy a front and rear dash cam? | front view camera

Aug 16, 2021

The vast majority of dash cams on the market are a single device, designed to sit over or behind your rear-view mirror to film the road ahead. However, there are some that come packaged as a front and rear cam - one camera to face forwards and the other to film behind you. These front and rear dash cams are usually expensive, given that there are technically two of them. But paying more doesn't always guarantee you a better model - our testing has discovered that front and rear-facing dash cams are not necessarily always your best bet for staying safe on the road.  At best, we’ve found front and rear dash cams that record smooth and sharp footage throughout the day. At worst, we’ve seen front and rear dash cams with such low-resolution footage that you can’t make out number plates or road signs. Only logged-in Which? members can view our exclusive front and rear dash cam ratings and verdicts, below. If you're not yet a member, you can join Which? to get instant access to our results, below, and all of our online reviews - from cars to sat nav apps.
Here are the key factors to consider: Pros: Comprehensive coverage of the road behind you. It's the main draw of a front and rear dash cam, but it bears repeating. If your vehicle is rear-ended you'll rarely need to prove it wasn't your fault, but it can never hurt to have footage backing you up. Greater coverage of the area around your parked vehicle. Dash cams aren't just useful for when you're driving - they help capture instances while parked, too. If someone crashes into or vandalises your vehicle while parked, a front and rear dash cam set-up is more likely to get a shot of the culprit. Cons: Front and rear-facing dash cams are expensive. There's no denying it - dual dash cams will cost you money, and lots of it. It's not uncommon for models to cost £200 or even more, all because you're essentially buying two dash cams. You may be better off spending half that on a single Best Buy dash cam. A front and rear dash cam is only as strong as its weakest lens. It's not uncommon for manufacturers to make the rear-facing unit record in lower resolution than the front-facing one. The quality of recorded footage is paramount, and you should never compromise on quality just for the sake of recording more of the road. If the footage captured by a rear lens is too blurry or pixilated to be legible it may as well not exist at all.
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