Oct 16 2024
October is a harvest season. On the evening of October 16, the four-days Hong Kong Electronics Fair ended, it's also a happy ending. At this Hong Kong Electronics Fair, Candid brought a lot of new in-vehicle AI prod
Oct 09 2024
In order to enhance the professionalism and confidence of exhibitors, Candid held a pre-show rehearsal for the Hong Kong Autumn Electronics Fair today, and everyone gained a lot.The practice was conducted in the form of
Sep 11 2024
The 2024 Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) held by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council will be held at the Hong Kong International Convention Center on October 13. Guangzhou Taigu Automotive Electronics Co.
May 13 2024
Candid announces new milestoneAfter months of careful design and testing, Candid's new product, the "6-channel LVDS Around view monitoring system", has officially entered the mass production stage. 6-channel AVM sys
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